Many window specialists and historic building restorers are now using the Window Preservation Standards in their work. Scroll down and leave a reply to let us know how you are using the Standards.
John Leeke uses the Standards book as a training manual at the 1754 historic Old Fort Western in Augusta, Maine:
Ben Brunick in Yankton, South Dakota, uses the Standards to confirm his choice of materials for glazing:
[Watch the videos below for] “… some of my reasonings as to why I feel it is alright to use ALEX caulk to bed the glass in the storm sash that I make. … I wanted to explain why I do things the way I do and show that there is a precedents for why I do it. I don’t do things just because they are easier or cheaper or because they’re good enough and I think they will be ok. I do things the way I do them because I think it is the best technique for the application and I always try to have logical explanation and whenever possible, precedents, to back up my deductive reasonings.” –Ben Brunick, Chalkstone Woodworking, Yankton, South Dakota
(click images to watch videos)
Larry Johnson explains how he uses the Standards in Iowa:
“The Standards are there every day that I’m in the shop and I’m proud to be a part of the Collaborative. I use it with clients to better illustrate what steps I’ll take with their windows. I’ve encouraged our local historic preservation society to buy a copy and suggested the same to the libraries I borrow from. Along with what I’ve learned directly in workshops from Bob Yapp and Duffy Hoffman, from exchanges over the phone, through email and from the Historic Homeworks forums with John Leeke, and many questions to other professionals, I go to the Standards book when I need to check a best practice on a window restoration wrinkle I haven’t encountered before. I hope to add a standard myself.” –Larry Johnson, Fresh Air Window Works, Iowa City, Iowa.
My hometown Iowa City Public Library will soon obtain a copy of the Standards for lending.