When: October 6-11, 2019
Cost: $710.00, includes Room and Board
Register: click on this link over to the Pine Mountain website:
or call Pine Mountain at 606 558-3571
Where: Pine Mountain Settlement School, Bledsoe, KY. For 2019 we’re back at one of the world’s most beautiful places, Pine Mountain Settlement School. The school, a National Historic Landmark, is located in the heart of the Appalachian Mountains in southern Kentucky. Pine Mountain is a truly amazing place that offers comfortable accommodations. The magnificent buildings were built of local stone and timber a century ago by local tradespeople. (See Travel Directions below.)
What: The Summit is an intense 5-day experience with wood and steel window work, for Beginners and Experts in the Trades, Contracting, Design and Management Fields. Join your fellow window specialists for the Window Preservation Summit IV. During the week, take part in historic window hands-on workshops, demonstrations, wood and steel window best practices and have a lot of fun while you learn! We’re lining up a great group of presenters and look forward to having everyone back together. All work and demonstrations will be at the historic buildings onsite.
Who: Summit IV is sponsored by the international Window Preservation Standards Collaborative (WPSC) in partnership with Preservation Kentucky Inc. Five window specialists, Kelsie Gray, Hilda Dent, Robert Cagnetta, John Leeke, and Jim Turner lead a host of other window specialists in the development of international standards for the repair, maintenance and weatherization of older and historic windows. The WPSC now includes more than two hundred window specialists from across the USA, Canada, Europe and India.
Hands-on Workshops & Demonstrations
- Weatherization and Energy Efficiency
- Restoration, Preservation and Conservation best practices including paint, wood-epoxy repairs, dutchmen, fabrication, and more.
- Balance and Operating Systems
- Steel Windows: ongoing demonstration every day, all day.
Round Table Discussions
- Defining Craft Expectations
- Levels of Service offered by your business
- Workforce Training
Standards Book, Second Edition
- This is your chance to get your favorite window method published in the Standards book.
- Comprehensive Review of the Window Preservation Standards Book
- Learn how the first edition was developed and published.
- Revise the existing standards. Got a correction or update?
- Write new Method Standards. As window repair and maintenance methods are demonstrated, you will document each step, record the materials used, and list the tools and equipment needed.
Get Real on the Porch
We work and we party! If you’ve never been to Pine Mountain, it is a chance to get together with our tribe in one of the most fabulous, remote and beautiful places in America. Social party and bull session every evening on the old log cabin porch. Bring your instrument, because: Music!
(Updating and adding specific sessions as presenters and their topics are confirmed.)
(If you would like to see a topic at the Summit, or present one yourself, post a message at the bottom of this webpage.)
10/4 Friday, Councilors and Organizers arriving for planning and setup
10/5 Saturday, Councilors and Organizers arriving for planning and setup
10/6 Sunday, all day, participants travel & arrive
- 6:00pm Supper
- 7:00 Ice Breaker
10/7 Monday, Planning and Analysis
- 8:00 Summit Welcome, Brandon Fleishour, Rob Cagnetta
- 8:15 Standards Book, Second Edition. John Leeke, Melanie Weston. Using The Standards. Discussion on improving the book. How to write and submit a new standard. Includes a training session on documenting work methods.
- 10:30 Business Panel, Rob Cagnetta, Kelsie Gray, Steve Jordan, Fred Aemmer
- 1:00 Onsite Projects, Replacing a fake replacement window with a real window, Rob Cagnetta, Brandon Fleishour, Ongoing Steel Window Work, Jim Turner
- 2:00 Assessments, Rob Cagnetta, Steve Jordan
- 3:00 Lead Safety, Sharon Ferraro
- 4:00 Survey & Planning Work, Steve Jordan
- 6:30 Levels of Service, Informal round table discussion. How do you name and describe the different levels of service you offer? for example I offer: Assessment & Planning, Routine Maintenance, Spot Repairs, Complete Refurbish. The purpose of this discussion is to determine the common practice in other shops and see if we can set a guideline or standard on levels of service. –John Leeke
10/8 Tuesday, Materials & Products
How they are used, in what applications, how they deteriorate
- 8:00 Glass, Steve Jordan
- 9:00 Wood, Steve Jordan, Fred Aemmer
- 10:00 Epoxy, Rob Cagnetta, Kevin Elzinga
- 11:00 Failures, Rob Cagnetta, Steve Jordan
- 1:00 Paints & Painting, Steve Jordan
- 2:30 Glazing, Marguerite
- 3:30 Historic Hardware Restoration Techniques, Kelsie Gray, Kevin Elzinga, How to clean, protect, and maintain historic door and window hardware. This presentation will focus on cleaning, restoring, and protecting historic door and window hardware. We will cover methods and materials, and all techniques will be demonstrated.
- 4:30 Hanging In the Balance, Fred Aemmer, Kevin Elzinga. The differences and peculiarities in window balance systems (jamb liners, weights & cords,spiral balances, etc.) and their applications.
- 6:30 Round table: Workforce Training. Sharon Ferraro and Katie Toteman lead an informal discussion on training local tradespeople. In most cities, with or without preservation ordinances, there is a shortage of people that homeowners can hire to work on their houses. Most homeowners are self taught, coached by YouTube or occasionally they have classes available to pick up DIY skills. Join us in a round table discussion on this topic.
10/9 Wednesday, Repairs & Finishes
Methods, Procedures, Techniques
- 8:00 Onsite Projects, ongoing. Wood and Steel
- 10:00 Steel Windows, Jim Turner
- 1:00 Glazing, Marguerite
- 2:00 Painting Sash & Paint Systems, Rob Cagnetta, Kevin Elzinga
- 3:30 Wood Repairs, Steve Jordan, Kevin Elzinga
- 4:30 Glass, Kevin Elzinga, Marguerite. Cutting, Washing, Labeling
- 6:30 Highlight Your Projects!, Round table, moderated by Brandon Fleishour.
10/10 Thursday, Operation & Efficiency
- 8:00 Epoxy Repairs, Rob Cagnetta
- 9:00 Window Restoration Reconstruction, Fred Aemmer. Understanding the changes of historically correct window manufacturing in our lifetime, the terminology, the types of currently available lumber to use for longevity, and its place in today’s window restoration field.
- 10:15 Weather Stripping, Steve Jordan Kevin Elzinga.
- 11:00 Storms & Total Building Efficiency, Rob Cagnetta, Kevin Elzinga.
- 1:00 Hanging Sash, Steve Jordan. Rope, Chain, Weight
- 2:00 Ongoing Projects, Steel & Wood, Wrap Up.
- 4:00 Standards Book Future, John Leeke, Melanie Weston. Revision results and new standards
- 5:00 Summit Wrap Up Discussion
10/11 Friday, Travel Day
- 7:00am Breakfast
- All morning, participants depart & travel
- Somebody has to get back to the shop and finish glazing that stack of 6 over 6.
Standard mealtimes: 7:00 breakfast, 12:00 lunch, 5:30 supper
The Window Preservation Standards Collaborative’s (WPSC) mission is to provide best practices for our industry, test preserved windows for energy efficiency and conduct training at the biannual Window Preservation Summits.
Planning for the summit is currently underway. Details will be posted right here on this webpage as they develop. If you have an idea, want to present your favorite window method, or think a certain topic ought to be covered, just post a message below.
Window Preservation Summits are the Woodstock of Preservation Conferences!
Brooks Gentleman, with Re-View in Kansas City, called a previous Summit the best conference he had been to in all his years in window preservation. He coined it “The Woodstock of Window Preservation.” We couldn’t agree more.
The purpose of this biannual event is to continue the work of developing, documenting and publishing the best practices and standards for the preservation and weatherization of older and historic windows. You taking part in this process is critical to the field of window preservation.
Let us know what you need to know, or what you want to share by leaving a message below.
Contact: Your main contact for questions and information is Kevin Elzinga, who you should already be in touch with, if not, leave a message at the bottom of this webpage.
What to Bring: Bring everything you need for your presentation including windows, window parts, materials, tools and equipment. The nearest hardware store and lumber yard is a one hour drive from Pine Mountain. If you are flying in and can’t bring something you need, Kevin may be able to help you coordinate with someone who is driving in and could bring it.
Provided at the Venue:
- Indoor shop space that has a concrete floor, electricity, water and
lighting. - Digital projector and screen
- Chalk boards or white boards with chalk and markers
- Seating for participants
Safe Work: All demonstrations and work done at the Summit must be done in a safe manner, include lead-safe methods if there is the potential for lead-containing dust and debris. No smoking in any building. No open flames.
Promotional Policy: A key feature of the Summit is to provide objective information. This is achieved by avoiding the commercial promotion of any products or services that relate to window preservation work. Manufacturers of products, tools, and equipment are not allow to provide their products at no cost to avoid promotional conflicts of interest. Presenters must have paid for all of the materials, products, tools and equipment used at the Summit. During sessions presenters can use products but are not allowed to make statements of endorsement. No products can be bought or sold at the Summit. Presenters are encouraged to describe the characteristics of the products shown that make them suitable for the method being presented, and to show or talk about alternate products if available.
Travel Directions
Pine Mountain Settlement School is located at: 36 Highway 510, Bledsoe, KY
Driving from Lexington:
(160 miles, 3 hour drive, this route takes you through Pineville which has the hardware store nearest to Pine Mountain.)
Follow I-75 south from Lexington, Kentucky to Corbin, Kentucky. At Corbin, take exit 29 to U.S. 25E. Continue to Pineville. In Pineville, turn left at the second traffic light onto KY 66/221. Follow KY 66/221 out of Pineville about 1.5 miles. Turn right onto U.S. 221 and proceed approximately 24 miles, to the intersection with U.S. 421. (This intersection is in a curve.) Stay on KY 221 by bearing to the left. After the intersection, go 9/10 of a mile to the intersection of U.S. 421 and KY 221. Make a sharp right turn onto KY 221. Proceed 10 miles to the junction of KY 221 and KY 510. Bear right onto KY 510. The entrance to Pine Mountain Settlement School is on the right.
Here are written travel directions from the three nearest airports:
Airport Directions to The Pine Mountain Settlement School
Here is a Google Map from the Blue Grass Airport (LEX) in Lexington, KY: https://goo.gl/maps/zqAQkFdVPiWVrGfY6
(160 miles, 3 hour drive, this route takes you through Pineville which has the hardware store nearest to Pine Mountain.)
Safe Travels, see you at the Summit!
When will the agenda be coming out?
Hi Joy, the latest info is now shown above. As more sessions and presentations are confirmed they will be detailed above.
I’d like to attend and demonstrate my window restoration techniques. My only drawback is that my schedule will not permit my being there the whole time. If I could give a demonstration for portions of one day I can help in some of the service work for another. I hope a daily rate is possible. Thank you for your consideration.
Hi Douglas, get in touch with Kevin Elzinga, who is coordinating the demonstrations. Unfortunately there are no daily rates, just the full fee for the whole week, or any part of it that you can come.
If you can’t make it to the Summit there are other ways you can participate. You can submit a work method to be consider for a standard:
or join the discussion on the Forum:
We are still looking for presenters. Please respond to this post, by email or reach out to me on FB via messenger.
What would be the closest airport to fly in from out of town?
Lexington I think
Teresa, see Travel Directions above. I usually fly in and out of Lexington.
Can we stay overnight on Friday due to our flight times ?
Teresa, the Summit events conclude on Thursday afternoon. Lodging is provided for Thursday night. Friday there is an early 7:00am breakfast so travelers can get off to a quick start.
I’m figuring I can make it to Lexington airport by 11 AM for a noontime flight. I’ve been able to do this on 3 previous trips to Pine Mountain.
Hi all, if we are not going to be presenting, what do we need to bring besides our personal belongings?
Carey, here is the current draft of the “bring list:”
– Bring your putty knife, I think one of the glazing sessions will invite folks to demonstrate their glazing techniques.
– Bring note taking materials, notebook, pens, camera (photos and videos encouraged)
– Bring your copy of the Standards book. John Leeke is offering a prize for the most dog-eared, margin-noted, sketched-in, used up, worn out copy of the book.
– Bring photos or even a sash, part, or whole window that shows your most vexing problem, or is an example of your best work. The Summit is your chance to get the first-hand views of many other window specialists.
– Bring your favorite game?
– Buy your drinks and snacks as you drive to school, closest store is 60 mins away in Pineville, KY
– Bring your hiking shoes
– Bring your favorite tool, material or product for Show & Tell, Questions & Discussion.
– Bring everything you will need with you, this is a remote location (bug spray, flashlight, etc)
And a clipboard to write over
I am a student with Commonwealth Preservation Trades. I was wondering if there were any grants that would be available to help in our goal of coming to this event?
Yes, there is a $200 discount for students at Commonwealth Preservation Trades. Call me to get the discount code.
John Leeke
207 773-2306
Thank you for the wonderful presentations at the summit. The information is invaluable!!! Looking forward to the next gathering.