WPSC Window Standards Work Method Submissions
Advisers, Stakeholders, and any Collaborator, can submit any of their own work methods for consideration as a Standard. Anyone who is following the Standards can submit a work method as an Exception. Here are the criteria for this and a procedure to follow.
Submission Criteria:
— The work method must address the maintenance, repair or upgrade of existing windows.
— To submit a work method for consideration as a Standard you, personally, must have used the method at least 100 times, and have been using the method for at least 10 years (20 years is better), and have gone back to check on at least ten projects to learn how the work is holding up, and be willing to share its failures and successes and how you have improved the results.
— To submit a work method as an Exception you, personally must have used the method at least 10 times and be proposing to use it on a project that is following the Standards.
— You don’t have to have invented the method or independently developed it, but if you learned it from someone else then you need to say who that was (“credit where credit is due” is very important in this project). If the method has been published (in print or online), give specific information on where to find it in the “References:” section of the form.
— Please be sure all the text and photos you submit are your original work. With photos this means that you were the one who clicked the shutter. If you want to submit text, drawings or photos from others get their written permission before submitting them to the WPSC, and include their full contact information so we can get formal permissions from them.
— Do not submit any methods that are currently protected by patent, or are trade secrets, or are proprietary information. It is OK to submit methods from lapsed patents that have run out since lapsed patents are in the public domain.
Submission Procedure:
1. Use the Guidelines below.
2. Write up your method using the form below. Copy the form into your word-processor, fill in the form in your word-processor, save the file on your computer, then copy your submission into the “Leave a Reply” message box below. If you are working with pencil and paper, copy the form below onto paper, filling it in by hand-writing and send it to: John Leeke, WPSC, 26 Higgins St, Portland, Maine 04103. John will post it here.
3. Participate in the discussion of your method here. (If no one is discussing it, post replies yourself explaining it further. Talk it up with other Collaborative participants, and ask them to post replies.
4. Any Collaborative Founder, can bump the Method up to a Proposed Standard by posting a message. If your Method is not getting bumped up to Proposed status, talk to one or more Founders. (Founders are listed here: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=5)
5. The Proposed Standard must have further discussion here to determine if it should become a Standard. The purpose of the discussion is to develop a more complete understanding of the method and develop a consensus among your fellow tradespeople that it is sound enough to become a standard.
6. The Proposed Standard can be approved to become a Standard by a consensus of the Founders, as with all Proposed Standards.
7. The Standard would then be published along with the others in the next edition of the printed book.
Submission Guidelines
Study and follow these guidelines as you write up your work method.
1. Study the two standards in this PDF file:
and use them as a model as you fill out the form with your own content. It is good to be brief. Just think about the steps you take to do the work method, or take notes while you are doing it. Described WHAT is done. You don’t have to describe all the details of HOW to do it.
2. Use plain text, and do not format your text in any way. (No bold, no italics, no underline, do not put extra spaces between paragraphs, and make only one space after periods.)
3. Do not worry about getting exactly correct English, but do put every effort into getting correct content.
4. Drawings or photos are not absolutely necessary for every standard you submit, but we do need some. At least one third of the standards need to have an illustration. Photos showing people and hands working are good, as long as they show the window subject too. You can insert a photo into your form. You will also have to submit your photos or scans of drawings as separate JPG format files, with at least 300 dpi (dots per inch).
5. Save each work method you are submitting in a word processor file, then submit it.
6. You can copy your entire work method from your word processing file, and submit it as a message here by pasting it into the message. Or, you can attach your word-processing file to a message.
7. Do not worry about submitting a method, treatment or topic that someone else may be submitting, some “double” submissions will be good.
8. Please be sure all the text and photos you submit are your original work. With photos this means that you were the one who clicked the shutter. If you want to submit words, drawings or photos from others (like copied from a book or a webpage) get their written permission before submitting them to the WPSC, and include their full contact information so we can contact them formal permissions. Do not submit any methods that are patented, or are trade secrets, or are proprietary information. When you submit your form you give non-exclusive rights to the WPSC to use the material in any way it sees fit, and you warrant that you have the rights to do this.
Thank you for your contribution to the Window Standards project.
Your Editor,
WPSC Window Standard Work Method Form
<copy this form into your word processor, then fill it out>
Number: <you can leave the number blank>
Status: [ ] submitted work method, [ ] proposed treatment standard, [ ] final treatment standard
Author: <that’s you!>
Contributors: <anyone who helps you write your standard>
Title of Treatment:
Class of Treatment: [ ] Maintain, [ ] Stabilize, [ ] Repair, [ ] Upgrade, [ ] Exception
Type of Treatment: [ ] Traditional, [ ] Contemporary, [ ] Conservation
<see pages 13-14 of the book for explanations of the Classes and Type, or leave blank.>
Condition to be Treated:
<State what is wrong with the window that requires treatment. For example, “Paint is peeling at the sash joint.” Or, “A pane of glass is cracked.”>
<A brief summary of the treatment. Include when this method or treatment is appropriate, how you learned about the treatment, how long you have been using it, how many times you have done it, how long it holds up, why it is successful, how it fails, recommended maintenance, etc.>
Typical Procedure:
<Write each step with a short phrase or single sentence. Simply state what is done, you do not need to include all the details of how to do it. You can write more if that is easier.>
<list basic materials (wood, glass, etc.), and specific products (brand or manufacturer, exact product name, product number), etc. You can include the specific characteristics that make the material or product especially suitable for this treatment.>
Quality of Results
<Describe how the quality of the completed work can be judged. Typically this is by how it looks, or by applying a simple physical test.>
Best Work:
Adequate Work:
Inadequate Work: