
Window Preservation Standards

Older and historic windows can be saved with ordinary maintenance, repairs and energy saving upgrades.

Olson House Window

Olson House Window, Cushing, Maine (photo courtesy John Leeke)

In the Fall of  2010 five window specialists realized the time was right to create national standards for the repair and weatherization of old and historic windows. The Window Preservation Standards Collaborative (WPSC) now includes over one hundred and fifty other window specialists from the United States, Canada, England and India.

Window Preservation Summit V:  https://windowstandards.org/?page_id=569


15 Responses to Home

  1. Michael Gallina says:

    Would like to see how much a Window Preservation Standards Book is?

  2. can you put me in touch with someone with knowledge on metal window restoration. I am a contractor. i have a customer with a historic mansion that has what i call Hopes metal casement windows. someone went to all the trouble to glaze in insulated glass units in them years ago and they are all failing. I was told that the glazing compounnd caused the seals to fail on the insulated glass. My question is do i go back with insulated glass units or do i just use single pane glass and glaze it in. I have restored hundreds or wood double hung windows but never metal. i have searched on line and found some stuff but I’d like some more opinions.

  3. Karen Howard says:

    Can you suggest contractors in the Boston, MA, area that use these standards to refurbish old windows?

    Thank you, Karen Howard

    • Thank you for contacting us.

      The WPSC does not make recommendations. However, as an owner of a window restoration company on Cape Cod, and a member of the wider community of window restorers across the country, I will email some names from Saver America’s Windows, and Preservation Massachusetts from my personal email

      • Rosemary Foy says:

        Nancy, could you provide me with that list as well? I’m also located in the Boston area. Thank you.

  4. David Gaby says:

    We should be developing a strategy for using Section 106 and energy conservation standards to make “Replacement windows” exceptional rather than conventional approaches to ‘Rehab’ projects. Is anyone working on that?

  5. Jessica Tebo says:

    Do you have a list of window specialists available for property owners to reference?

  6. Jay says:

    Greetings! I’ve just become aware of this organization. I’v e purchased the book and have looked through good share of it. Well done! I’ve been working on old double-hung windows most of my life. I’m looking for more information on a couple of things.

    First, I don’t believe there is a section in the book on sash support, counter-weights, etc. I’m currently working on an 1894 Victorian that has spring coil balances. I’m assuming that these must have been on of the very first iterations of this type of system. I’d like to know more about the history of sash support methods.

    Also, I’m interested in details about the sash steaming box that is mentioned in the book.


  7. Jay Beech says:

    Hi. A number of weeks ago I attempted to post a message here, but apparently it was never approved(?) so I’m trying again! I’m interested in connecting with people who might be familiar with old spring coil tape balances. They are not mentioned anywhere in the Standards book that I could find. All of the windows in my 125-year-old Victorian here in MN have them, but most are no longer operational. Thanks!

  8. Brenden FitzGerald says:

    Hello All,
    I am in the process of drafting a Petition for a Rule Change to the New York City Administrative Code. We have a Landmarks Preservation Commission tasked to administer the Rules. We have huge swaths of Nation Historic Districts and, as we all know, we are loosing windows. It is embarrassing to say what replacements options they approve, so I won’t. I am pretty fired up about it — I sent a letter about endangered cylinder glass and the LPC response was “the glass is charming aspect of historic windows” but we don’t think it is worthy of retention or reinstatement, by policy. But, they said they would “generally approve the retention of historic glass, and replacement with “restoration glass“ if requested on a project.”

    “Charming” was what really put me over the edge. NYC Historic Preservation has dozens of loopholes for developers and mistaken understandings about sustainability. I live in a NHL Cast-Iron District. These 1870’s cast iron facades are 80% glass windows. Cast-Iron was designed only for big windows. (Crystal Palace, London).
    About half of 40 cast-iron buildings still have original double hung sashes with a 3/4” single muntins dividing 2 panes, each pane is approx. 42” x 30”! They are exquisite! Maddeningly, at their whim, our LPC allows replacement double pane Marvins increasing the muntin dim to 1-1/2” (unbelievable for a LANDMARK facade!)

    So with my COVID rant out of the way: My Petition argument is strong with Historical Significance, Public Good, Fed Standards, NHP Act, 19th century millwork and glass inventions, energy myths, etc.

    However, I need help sourcing municipal or state declarations, similar to Maine’s and New Jersey’s to help my specific argument that windows are “endangered”. Can anybody out there lend a hand with some links?

    Thanks much,

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